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A healthy vegetable + fruit smoothie recipe that must be shared. Banana + orange + carrot recipe. call for refreshment This recipe combines fruits and vegetables that help your skin look beautiful, like oranges and carrots. Containing both vitamin C and vitamin A Helps the skin look bright. Eating it regularly will help your skin look radiant. Combined with bananas will help you feel full in the morning. It also has nutrients that help nourish the nervous system to be ready for work in the morning. Take 1 banana, 1 orange and 2 small carrots, cut into pieces and blend with half a cup of ice. Drink to feel refreshed every morning.

Recipe 1: Banana, orange, carrot for refreshment

This recipe combines fruits and vegetables that help your skin look beautiful like oranges and carrots. Containing both vitamin C and vitamin A Helps the skin look bright. Eating it regularly will help your skin look radiant. Combined with bananas will help you feel full in the morning. It also has nutrients that help nourish the nervous system to be ready for work in the morning. Take 1 banana, 1 orange and 2 small carrots, cut into pieces and blend with half a cup of ice. Drink to feel refreshed every morning.


Recipe 2: Cucumber, Kiwi, Lemon to boost immunity

Use 1 cucumber, 1 kiwi, and ¼ lemon, blend with 4 ice cubes, 100 ml. water, and drink daily. Cucumbers are useful in moisturizing the skin. and also has a mild effect To inhibit the growth of bacteria Kiwis and lemons are rich in vitamin C. Helps stimulate the body’s immune system. Make your body strong Can prevent colds.


Recipe 3: Orange, ginger, lemon, banana, chia seeds help burn fat

Anyone who wants to lose weight should not miss this formula. Because it includes ingredients that stimulate the circulatory system. energy metabolism system Comes with dietary fiber for easy bowel movement. You will use 1 orange or grapefruit, 1 banana, 3 pieces of ginger, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, and the juice of ¼ lemon. Blend it with ice and drink it in the morning. It helps the body’s energy metabolism work better.


Recipe number 4: Carrot, apple, lemon, yogurt, add vitamins to the body

Get both healthy body and good skin with this formula. You will use 3 chopped carrots, 1 apple, ¼ lemon, blended with 1 cup of yogurt and ice. You will get a smoothie with a refreshing sweet and sour taste. Boost to feel awake. Whether it’s a smoothie to eat in the morning or late afternoon, it’s good. Both carrots, apples, and lemons have various vitamins that are necessary for the body. It also helps to excrete easily.


Recipe number 5: spinach leaves, cucumber, apple, pineapple, mint, good for the digestive system

Add dietary fiber to your body so that you can have an easy bowel movement. Anyone who has difficulty having bowel movements must not miss this recipe. You will use 1 cup of spinach leaves, half a cup of cucumber, 1 cup of pineapple, 1 apple, mix with ice and garnish with 4-5 mint leaves. Drink in the evening to help you feel full. And you can easily have a bowel movement in the morning because both the vegetables and fruits in this recipe are very high in dietary fiber.


Recipe number 6: Spinach leaves, grapes, lemon help with weight loss

The spinach leaves contain iron. High in Vitamin B and Vitamin C Helps nourish hair, nails and is also good for the digestive system. When blended with grapes and lemons that contain vitamin C It helps burn energy better. Use 1 cup each of spinach leaves and grapes, blended with water and the juice of 1 lemon, drink regularly in the morning. It will help keep the body strong. Ready to lose weight at the same time.


Recipe number 7: Bananas, oranges, ripe mangoes, carrots, fill your stomach during the day

Both delicious and good for health Because bananas, ripe mangoes, oranges, and carrots contain beta-carotene. which is a precursor for vitamin A Helps nourish the eyes, skin and strengthen the body’s immune system. It also has dietary fiber that makes your stomach full. Gives little energy. Mix 1 banana, 1 glass of orange juice, half a cup of ripe mango, and 1 carrot cut into pieces. Blend together to get delicious, easy-to-eat vegetable and fruit juice.


Recipe number 8: Carrot, orange, apple, ginger help boost energy in the morning

Want to be fresh in the morning? You have to add a little sourness, sweetness, and spiciness. Let’s stimulate the body to wake up a bit. This recipe calls for 2 small carrots, 2 oranges, 1 apple, and 1 small piece of moist ginger. Blend them together. Refrigerate to drink in the morning. Helps to refresh and increase energy with both vitamins from vegetables and fruits. And the spicy ginger stimulates blood circulation. Get ready to receive a new morning.


Recipe number 9: Carrot, apple, ginger for easy stomach relief

Another formula suitable for people watching their weight and people who have problems with constipation. Because both carrots Apple and Ginger It will help the system burn energy well. and also provides dietary fiber It is also a necessary part for bowel movement. Take 6 sliced carrots, 3 slices of apple and 2 slices of ginger. Mix with ice until well mixed and drink before going to bed. In the morning I was able to defecate and feel relieved.


Recipe number 10: celery, cucumber, broccoli, lemon help strengthen bones

Celery or celery Contains sodium to help build bones. Cucumbers help keep calcium from leaving your bones. And broccoli is full of calcium. Add flavor with lemon. It also makes it easier to eat. Anyone who wants to have strong bones I used 4 celery plants, 1 cucumber, and half a small head of broccoli. Blend with lemon juice. Refrigerate or eat right away.

Anyone who stays at home and wants to control their weight and take care of their health at the same time can choose to do so. Because each formula The ingredients aren’t hard to find. You can walk to the market or department store and buy some to make. Everyone will have good health.


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